Hello, welcome to this tutorial article.

In this article, I will show you how to create high-converting marketing Audio and voiceovers for your next video project, podcast, or marketing campaign.

To Access the AI Product Photography, you need to first create a project. So, If you are yet to create one, then please check out this article on how to create a project

But for the purpose of this article, I’ll click on AI Apps to Access the tool on the go.

Step 1: Click on "Create New"

Step 2: Enter your "Product Name" and "Browse" your image to upload.

Step 3: Click "Create" after uploading the image you intend to use.

Step 4: Click "Using AI". Then, "Describe Your Photo". After that, click on "Generate"

Step 5: Your image is ready.

Step 6: You can replace the image by clicking on the option. Then, upload a new image and click on "Replace"

Step 7: Then, edit the description and generate an image. Also, you can choose to "Download" the image.

That's it!

If you need further assistance, kindly use the chat widget at the bottom-right corner of this page or email our support desk (support@marketingblocks.ai) for prompt service.

Thank you!