After installing the conversion widget on your website, the next step is to activate either one or more of the conversion widgets on your website, depending on your strategies.

Step 1: log in to your MarketingBlocks dashboard and open a project.

Step 2: Then scroll down and select Conversion Builder.

Step 3: Kindly enable CTA to embed by toggling on the button and then further clicking on the CTA tool to proceed.

Step 4: Click on the Create Campaign button as shown on the screenshot to customize your CTA setup

Step 5: Enter a campaign name to proceed

Step 6: Click on the campaign name to proceed to add your CTA widget

Step 7: If this is your first CTA widget, then you may need to click to start customizing.

Step 8: You will be redirected to the setup page after clicking on the Add widget button. Here you can add a widget name, select a campaign, and then finally choose the position where you want your widget to be.

Step 9: The next setup is the customization of the CTA widget, please toggle on the necessary item on the left side of your computer screen depending on your choice of custom setup, however, you can add images, and videos by clicking on the avatar or the play button after toggling it on. You can add video by embedding your video script, then click on the next button to proceed to how the widget will display

Step 10: You can also show the widget on both of your websites when you select the display tab, please fill in the requirements that best suit your action and click on next to continue your widget setup, see the screenshot below;

Step 11: You can target who you want the widget to show to or target specific visitors on your website. Then Go ahead to set a specific goal for the CTA widget by toggling on the highlighted button. When done, click on the save Widget.

Step 12: When you click on the Save button you will be redirected to this page, click on it and toggle on your widget to be live.

Step 13: Toggle this option so your widget will be live, then go over to your website and refresh and the widget will be live

That's it!

If you need further assistance, kindly use the chat widget at the bottom-right corner of this page or email our support desk ( for prompt service.

Thank you!