AI comment bot in a social spark tool to enhance user engagement and interaction on social media platforms and also help you to view the statistics of your post.

to step up this please follow the below steps.

Step 1: open your project in the dashboard

Step 2: scroll down to the Text and Content Tool then click on the AI Social Spark 3.0

Step 3: When it open click on the +Comment Bot

Step 4: Click on the +Enable Bot (Note that you must connect your channel)

Step 5: Click on View posts

Step 6: You can setup a bot for the entire post bly clicking on Channel Action or you can click on enable a Bot per a post made

Step 7: Fill in the create page bot you can choose the keyword Base Reply or the AI reply and setup a public reply and set up a private reply then click on create

Step 8: In the channel action you can delete the page bot Edit the page bot or disable the page bot for the entire post.

Step 9: Click on the Ellipsis to view post, View Statistic and you can delete the bot in that post

Step 10: Your Comment Bot is Live

That's it!

If you need further assistance, kindly use the chat widget at the bottom-right corner of this page or email our support desk( for prompt assistance.

Thank you!