How to Generate Responses For Your Public Reviews

Hello and welcome to this tutorial article.

In this article, I’ll show you how to create sales, promotional, and ad videos using the MarketingBlocks A.I.

To Access the Review Responder, you need first to create a project. So, If you are yet to create one, then please check out this article on Click Here for a detailed article on how to create one.

But, for the purpose of this article, I’ll edit one of my existing projects for the demonstration.

Step 1: From your "AI Projects" dashboard, click on “Existing Project”

Step 2: Click on “Document” at the left-hand side of the menu bar.

Step 3: Click on “Existing Document”

Step 4: Step 4: A page will open. Click on “Prompt Templates” There will be different responses. Click on “Review Responder”

Step 5: Enter the required information and click on “Generate”

Step 6: Here it is.

That's it!

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